Dande Jack


Many local traditons are born from the seasonal programing of Remick Farm Museum. This cultural tie to Tamworth’s past includes a yearly event called Ice Harvest, a time when ice was cut and pulled behind draft horses to an ice shed, to be used for refridgeration into the summer months. Ice, once a major export of NH, remains a strong connection to Tamworth’s history. Two other such seasonal Remick offerings are Maple Weekend and Dandelion Festival; forming the ingredient inspiration for Art in the Age Dande Jack. We set to honor the spring alongside our neighbors, with a applejack that utilizes the 100% New Hampshire apples, flavored with the woody bitterness of dandelion root and the sweet and warm Maple Syrup to balance. We use Maple syrup from Remick Farm Museum’s maple weekend (our neighbors from across the street). It is safe to say, this is a classic Tamworth treat.

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